Our Brant
Evelyn Franklin Pepper
Last name Pepper
Maiden name Franklin
First name Evelyn
Buried in Fairfield Cemetery
Date of birth 1919
Spouse of Donald Pepper
Range 9
Number 3
FF9-3 M1

Marker 1 - Albert L. Pepper

FF9-3 M2

Maker 2 - Inez L. Aspden Pepper

FF9-3 M3

Marker 3 - Muriel E. Pepper

FF9-3 M4

Marker 4 - Lena M. Gowdy Pepper

FF9-3 M5

Marker 5 - Merrill L. Pepper

FF9-3 M6

Marker 6 - Donald Pepper

FF9-3 M7

Marker 7 - Evelyn Franklin Pepper

At the time the grave photo was taken, Evelyn's date of death had not been carved and Evelyn was likely still alive.

This grave has not been transcribed. Want to help? Just click here to add a transcription or other information.

Possible relatives

The people listed below may be relatives of Evelyn Franklin Pepper. The matches are performed automatically by computer, so they may be incorrect and should be verified independently.

Possible spouses:

NameDate of death
Donald Pepper1984